Client: EU-based commercial company
Description: The project's goal was to develop a medical portal. The functionality included for patients the possibility to manage personal orders, a personal account, search and selection of necessary services, comment and setting the rating of services, payment for services in various ways (both direct payment on the portal and the possibility of subsequent payment on site), etc. The functionality for doctors (clinics) included a personal doctor's office + dashboard, the possibility of using multiple workplaces, CRM capabilities, obtaining a personal website within the system, etc. The back-end and back-office were based on Drupal, and the front-end was based on Vue.js and Nuxt.js.
Languages: PHP, Vue.js, Nuxt.js
Environments: Drupal, MySQL, Nginx, Debian, SCSS, Twig, Proxmox, Nginx, OpenProject, Figma, DDEV (local env)